The energetic dimension of humans: acupuncture’s vital role in health and healing
We are an energetic being
We are made up of flesh and blood, but with an energetic field flowing thru us as well. To ignore this energetic aspect of life is to ignore the big picture and therefore optimal ways of dealing with health, disease, and healing.
Science has mainly focused on the physical aspects of life
The molecules, cells, organs, and finally their complex interplay in the functioning of the organism. This approach has advanced our understanding of biology, but its increasingly evident that life is more than biology, more than blood and bones, molecules and genes. There is another dimension to life, the energetic dimension and it plays a vital role in health, well-being, dis-ease, and our overall experience of life.
We live on an energetic planet, in a universe full of energy, with seasonal changes that reflect changes in these energies. We are a biofield of energy. In addition to the blood and bones, molecules and genes that make up the material body, there is an energetic that flows thru us. Everyday the heart generates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles! Over a life time enough energy to get the truck to the moon and back!
This energetic is call qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Prahna in Ayervedic medicine. Its only been in the last few hundred years that focus of medicine has been inner workings of cells, organs, and their complex interplay that makes up a functioning organism.
Life begins with a flash of energy
Recently it was shown, thru sophisticated microscopic equipment, that when a sperm enters the egg, the Ca++ wave that goes around the egg results next in a Zn++ wave that propagates and results in a flash of light!
Life starts with an energetic flash of energy. Of course the egg and the sperm that come together at the moment of conception and start the transformation into a ball of cells that eventually turns into a baby are each a cell with genetic information that thru a very complex and highly regulated process goes multicellular and eventually turns into a baby.
Therefore we are not solely just biology, we are a living field of energy. We evolved on a planet that has an electromagnetic field, due to the molten iron at its core. Modern science has shown the existence of the biofield, the subtle electromagnetic field that surrounds all living organisms.
- Cells generate an electromagnetic signature: cells communicate thru electromagnetic signal that they receive and emit and this plays a role in biological processes.
- Bodies electromagnetic field: the interplay of trillions of cells in the body, each having a small but measurable electromagnetic field generates a complex field
- External electromagnetic fields can affect bodies biological processes: electromagnetic forces outside of the body can affect normal cellular functioning of cells inside the body.
There is an interplay between energetics of internal and external environment and our bodies. Emotions for example can affect the body instantaneously. Biochemically, we can explain it thru the release of hormones, neurotransmitters, and other chemicals that affect us, but that would be leaving out the energetic influence of the emotion itself.
Emotions are energy in motion! They need to flow freely. When energy or qi doesn’t flow and we are stuck in an emotion, it affects the whole. Some organs are affected more than others depending on the emotion.
Anger for example is a normal response to some event that happens outside of us, but if we get stuck in that emotion long term, physiological problems can arise. Acupuncture, Tai chi, reiki and other energy modalities can all help move that emotion and get us over the stressful event. Effects of these practices can only be explained thru energetics.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), stress can block the flow of qi, the life energetics we mentioned earlier.
Practices such as mindfulness meditation and yoga, both of which focus on the breath, bring a change in our thoughts and lower stress due to the connection between body and mind.
Acupuncture is insertion of thin needles into specific points in meridians. Acupuncture moves energetics thru these meridians and brings about healing. The boy knows how to heal, sometimes it needs a bit of help to do it. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can bring that help necessary for healing.
Here at Summit Healing Arts, I can provide you with the tools necessary to live your best life. Set up an appointment.
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