
Let your light shine

Summit Healing Arts Acupuncture clinic in Dupont neighborhood of Washington DC is a safe and effective health option.  I treat chronic and acute, body, mind, and spirit disharmonies.

For any emergencies, please dial 911

See if acupuncture is right for you

Summit Healing Arts Acupuncture and Herbal medicine serving Dupont and surrounding areas

How much happier would you be if you weren’t always living so depleted and fatigued.  How nice would life be if the aches and pains go away, and we felt balanced again.  Take the time to get unplugged, get refreshed and get replenished.

Are you overwhelmed?

  • Are you suffering with symptoms of long COVID?
  • Can you sleep soundly through the night?
  • Do you catch frequent colds, struggling with allergies, or have auto-immune related conditions?
  • Has your health issues turned chronic with no end in sight?
  • Learn to relax your muscles and tendons which helps with pain, anger, anxiety, irritability, and sleep!!!

You are probably reading this because you are struggling with your health, or want to find an alternative approach for health maintenance.  Maybe there is pain, a digestive issue, fertility issues, or migraines.  Or maybe even something very uncommon and mysterious, and are wondering what to do about it.  Maybe you have already tried conventional medicine or other holistic options and you are not getting the results you want.

Perhaps you’re here because you want the root cause treated vs a symptomatic coverup.  If that is the case, I want to tell you that you are in the right place.

Health issues can take a huge toll:  not enough energy to do what we want, not enough quality time with family, and being less productive.  It changes quality of life by making us focus on health issues vs all the great things we could be spending our time, focus and energy on.  Deep down you know you are not here to struggle.

Life and movement are supposed to be fun and rewarding.  Your spirit is supposed to be soaring yet current conditions can put a damper on any ones mood.  Moods can affect our overall energy, motivation, our spirit, and perception of pain.

Almost anything going on with you right now can be addressed effectively with acupuncture and herbal medicine.  If you are having an acute or chronic pain, immune related condition, issues with conceiving, digestive, or low in energy or motivation, worried about COVID 19, I can help you.

How can any approach help with so many different conditions you may wonder.  Its because acupuncture and Oriental medicine treats patterns, not just symptoms.  Treating patterns leads to correction of the underlying disharmony and great outcomes can be achieved.

If you’re ready for long-term solutions without side effects, call or email and you’ll find this acupuncture clinic, Summit Healing Arts in Dupont as the right choice.

Acupuncture is an Effective Solution For Better Health at Summit Acupuncture Clinic in w Dupont Washington DC

Herbal formulas and Acupuncture as practiced at Summit Healing Arts, is personalized medicine tailored to help you heal from a number of conditions.  This form of medicine is also effective for prevention of susceptible conditions  due to family history or lifestyle, for overall well-being, and becoming your best, for preventing or delaying some outcomes.

I have been helping people with a diverse variety of problems; from pain to fertility issues, immunological issues, digestive concerns, insomnia, and much more.  Incredible results with migraines!  I have gotten excellent results with some very difficult problems as well and that is something I am most proud of, after all problem solving is what drives me and got me into this line of work.

See what I can do for you

What to Expect at Summit Healing Arts

  • Experience Medicine in the form of acupuncture and/or herbal medicine that’s effective all without side effects
  • Get relief from recent and chronic pain as we get to the root cause of the pain.
  • Nutritional information support and mind shift coaching that transforms
  • Enjoy a serene and peaceful environment conducive to your healing

Free Ebook

Acupuncture and Your Immune System
Send an email request, in contact form, to Receive My Free Ebook: Acupuncture and Your Immune System

About Artin Mahboubi

Artin Mahboubi Acupuncturist Dupont - Washington DC

Artin Mahboubi, LAc, DiplAc

is a board certified acupuncturist with a research background in immunology. Artin has helped numerous clients with chronic physical and emotional issues; immune related problems; fertility; and of course stress and pain conditions. He can most likely help you too.

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If you’re ready to take control of your health, the first step is to call the office at 703-963-4555.   Alternatively you can fill out the contact form with any questions and to discuss your healthcare needs.   Then make an appointment so we can get started because your health matters above all.

What this system of medicine can do

Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture and Herbal Formulas will address a wide variety of ailments. Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective because it addresses the underlying cause of ailments. Thats important because symptomatic relief alone is not enough.
Acupuncture and Oriental medicine keeps at its core the notion that we are an energetic being (flow of qi thru the meridians) as well as flesh and bones.

Health through balance

No question about it to me, we're not just molecules and flesh and blood, we are an energetic being as well, like our surroundings, the planet, the universe. Therefore addressing the energetic component of life and health as well is essential.
Herbal formulas and acupuncture addresses both components; blood and qi. When yin and yang, qi and blood are balanced, your life flows better. I know thats what I want for myself.

Integrative medicine

Integrative Medicine (IM) is healing oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person. Effective interventions that are natural and less invasive is a main focus and is therefore the way to go

Infertility Treatment

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine have been used for centuries to successfully address the sensitive complexities of infertility with unsurpassable success. In addition to acupuncture and herbal medicine, western techniques are at times indispensable. When western techniques are used, traditional medicine with its goal of correcting underlying causes of infertility becomes invaluable as well. Complimentary medicine is life changing in some many situations. Better than 30% of the time the other partner needs to be looked at as well so when it comes to infertility the whole picture needs to be looked at.

Pain Relief

Back pain, sports injuries, migraines, fibromyalgia

Women's Health

Including infertility, & pre- to post-partum support


Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia


abdominal pain, ulcerative colitis, crohn's, ulcer, gastritis, gastroparesis

In Network with

Blue Cross Blue Shield

blue cross logo

United Health Care

UHC logo

Treating From The Root

With treatments focused on the root of the imbalance and not just the symptoms or disease, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can treat an enormously wide range of conditions.

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