This simple change helps you overcome Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Hypertension, preserves cognition, and so much more!
The two biggest killers in America, heart disease and stroke, have both been known to be helped by the mediterranean diet. In regions of the world where this diet is more mainstream, the incidences of these diseases is far less! Now more and more evidence on the diet’s vast benefits in all systems of the body: and its not just the heart and brain that benefit but the whole body. It has more recently been linked to benefits in diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cognition, even when Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or Parkinson’s disease (PD) are present, of course regular old fashioned dementia and slowing down that comes with old age, and yes even ED (erectile dysfunction).
When the arteries are clean and clear and blood is flowing good, everything is better, life span is longer, brain is sharper, more energy, more focus, better metabolism, and I’m willing to bet better working immune system too. Mediterranean diet has many of the essential nutrients that we need for proper functioning and renewal of our bodies various cells. Lets looks at what makes this diet such a cure to so many of America’s ill’s.
Mediterranean diet is essentially a plant based diet that focuses on fruits and vegetables, grains and legumes, nuts and beans, and abundant herbs and spices. More fish, olive oil and wine, and less red meat. Just a healthy, colorful, tasty and nutritious choice of foods.
Remarkably, recently it was reported that the inevitable and dreaded decline in cognition that comes with age, dementia, is lower and less severe in the elderly who consume mainly a mediterranean based diet.
Huge long term study called MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) showed that people who followed this diet which is a slight modification of the mediterranean diet, in 4.5 years of the study it had lowered AD risk by over 50%!! What drug currently on the market, can achieve such a result for AD? None that I know of, and all meds bring with them side effects, some extremely nasty ones.
With these diets you end up
This one simple routine of eating according to mediterranean diet’s mixture of various high nutrition foods will help us stay healthy, for longer periods. How can we any longer ignore this find.
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