If you are an expecting mom, stay away from processed foods as there is a link with autism
Expecting moms, processed foods, and link with autism.
Are you an expecting mom? Did you recently start on the journey of motherhood, or perhaps planning on it soon?
A recent study looked at the effects of one of the most common ingredients in processed foods: Propionic Acid (PPA). PPA is one of the chemicals used to extend shelf life. PPA maybe interfering with neuronal development of the fetal brain according to UCF researchers in Orlando, FL.
If you are an expecting mom you have certainly wondered about the real cause(s) of autism. Originally, vaccines got the blame for autism by a researcher whose work has since been refuted. Environmental factors and of course genetics have also been blamed, and although both environment and genetics may likely play a significant role in Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this new research published in June 19 Scientific Reports proposes a whole new culprit. It turns out that chemicals in processed foods such as PPA can cause an over proliferation of glial cells. This then results in an abnormal neuronal architecture, and increased inflammation! Expecting moms should stay away from processed foods as much as possible as there is a link with autism.
Recently, the gut-brain connection has been in the literature almost non-stop. The microbiome of the gut in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) shows a dysbiosis (an impaired balance of the normal gut bacteria) and higher levels of PPA in the stool. This may explain the gut issues that many with ASD report. (additional readings).
Balance is everything when it comes to good health. There is the good bacteria and the not so good bacteria in the gut. Their balance is key for good GI health and even beyond. The microbiome has been linked with all sort of conditions, immune as well as neurological. Functional, connective, and communicative (ie: stimulatory vs inhibitory neurons) nalance between different types of brain cells as the fetal brain is developing is imperative. PPA disrupts that balance. Neuronal fetal stem cells were used to find out more about causes of autism.
Although glial cells help to protect neurons and contribute to waste removal from the brain and other house keeping tasks, PPA increase their number which affects neuronal development, their number, and connections neurons make with each other during the early development. This effect is loss of some neurons resulting in altered neuronal connections and increase inflammation as the neurons die and cells come in to clean up and remove debris. This neuronal loss, damaged pathways, and increased inflammation may explain the symptoms most seen in autistic spectrum disorder (ASD): repetitive behavior, inability to communicate well with others, and mobility issues. The dysbiosis caused by PPA which seems to be messing with the gut as well and causing proliferation of bacteria whose metabolites maybe interfering with normal brain development during those early days.
Bottom line is stick to nature and don’t consume too many man made chemicals. Even thou PPA is a natural occurring chemical, it doesn’t belong in the diet.
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