Alcohol’s Balancing Act
For as long as alcohol has been a part of human culture and life style (at least 10,000 years), there has been debate as to whether its good or bad for us and to this day the debate goes on. Medical peer reviewed research should help us get to some of the answers. Alcohol’s balancing act: Alcohol is both a tonic and a poison and the difference lies in the dose!
Alcohol’s two-faced nature shouldn’t come as a surprise. The active ingredient in alcoholic beverages, a simple molecule called ethanol, affects the body in many different ways. It directly influences the stomach, brain, heart, gallbladder, and liver. It affects levels of lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) and insulin in the blood, as well as inflammation and coagulation. It also alters mood, concentration, and coordination.
Alcohol consumption in moderation actually helps to keep the arteries, specially the coronaries, the most important arteries and usually the first ones to narrow, clear. Light alcohol consumption is beneficial in terms of what the researchers call all cause mortality in that it reduces mortality due to all causes. Yet heavy drinkers or binge drinkers have a much higher rater of health problems, including death. On a graph this becomes a J shaped curve. Little alcohol is good and protective, heavy alcohol use leads to much higher mortality and morbidity (the right part of the curve (J).
In subgroup analyses, light and moderate alcohol intake predicted reduced all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortalities in both men and women, whereas the highest levels of alcohol intake were associated with increased all-cause and cancer mortality.
Acupuncture is all about balancing the bodies energetics for optimal health. With this article we see another important example of how getting the balance right is beneficial.
Alcohol consumption, dietary intake, yin and yang in Oriental medicine, its all about balance.
Find out how acupuncture can help to balance your health and different aspects of your being.
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